"Mongul-Who-Was lacked vision. In war and in life, he found victory only through strength. You will find Mongul-Who-Is not so foolish."
The latest in a centuries-old line of intergalactic rulers, Mongul II is the son of the famed dictator bearing the same name. His father was notorious throughout the cosmos for conquering the Sinestro and Red Lantern Corps ( #FTSPRELUDE | WARWORLD SOLOS ), bringing war to the multiverse as a whole ( #FORTHESTONES3 ), and bringing death to all planetary doorsteps.Mongul II was born on Planet Debstam IV in Sector 2811, raised alongside many male siblings of similar age. His early life is mostly unknown much like his very existence before present day, though most agree that he, like his brothers, lived only in the shadow of his father.On a fateful day following a fierce conflict between Warworld and the Dread Horde, his father and he stood over the thousands of casualties. With Yellow and Red Lantern Rings dead, both of them remained defenseless. Whilst the Elder spoke of philosophy and the Superman, Mongul II impaled him through the torso, letting his large body hit the floor.It was then that he proclaimed himself the new sovereign supreme of Warworld - and also the unintentional leader of the Sinestro and Red Lantern Corps.The rest is to be seen.

"I have conquered the Superman. Guardian of the United Planets. Greatest Enemy of Mongul-Who-Was."
Mongul II was left a vast empire of fortune and might from his father. The entire planetoid of Warworld, alongside multiple star systems and galaxies were transitioned to him by default in the sudden passing of the Elder, including two entire Lantern Corps.Mongul II would remove the Yellow and Red Rings from his hands and dispatch them to the outer systems, where hopefully they would find their true leaders. He had no business meddling with the Emotional Spectrum, nor did his new empire need such unrest in its infancy. He also released the corpsmen his father had held prisoner in the dungeons.Despite what he does, his father's reputation may be one he can never precede. The future will tell. For now, he will be watching the gladiator matches of legend and planning his next move.
Mongul faced off against The Sentry in a ruined city on Earth. The pair's battle shook the entire planet and destroyed what was left of the city, vaporizing millions with each punch thrown. Sentry threw Mongul around and Mongul kept coming back.Their fight ended when Mongul's chest blaster began to rain hellfire upon the city, melting any remaining structures with a scorched earth tactic. Sentry's sanity finally broke and he charged, beating him to a bloodied mess with multiple hyperspeed strikes. Just when the battle seemed over, something within the golden hero broke and he dropped the tyrant.The Void began to emerge from Sentry's body, a penalty of using far too much of his awesome power. After his following begs for death and warnings that the Void would destroy the universe, Mongul obliged - leaving him the winner of their battle.The Warworld Tyrant later returned with a Black Mercy flower, tossing it atop the corpse of the warrior if he dared to resurrect himself. Sentry's final words had resonated with him - and he could not have a threat like that coming later on.Thread.Black Mercy.
Mongul began a conquest of Earth, starting his invasion in the city of New York City's Central Park.The Kryptonian is the first to start the battle, swinging her fist. She's easily overpowered and outclassed by the tyrant and his army, swung about the environment like a child's toy and blasted aside easily by his chestpiece. In less than five minutes' time, Kara Zor-L is down and desperate.She forces an ending to their battle by taking to the skies and circling around the planet not once, not twice but dozens of times, shattering the sound barrier a myriad of times over. Using her invulnerable body as a nuclear bomb and the accumulated force as the blast, she eventually shot down hard and collided with him. The entire park was vaporized instantaneously, knocking both her and him down.On the brink of unconsciousness from such an attack, Mongul stood back up and fled the scene before another Earthly guardian could come and take advantage of his weakened state.Fight.

The portrayal on this account is of Mongul II / Mongul Jr. - the son of the great tyrant that we all know.
In canon, he's the one who trained Superman in the arts of battle and conquered the Sinestro Corps. On this account, that Mongul was his father. This version is completely original, mixed with ongoing canon.
While I may use scans that depict Mongul Sr. or other versions, the one being portrayed is his son.II.
Trigger warning. Themes of violence, gore, death, brutality and slavery ( imprisoned gladiators ). Do not follow if these themes trigger you.
Ships will not be done on this account. Lewd I hardly do in the first place.III.
Be respectful. Don't pester IC and OOC. Don't come up to Mongul and make fun of him and be surprised when he kills your character. HE'S A SUPERMAN AND LANTERN VILLAIN KNOWN FOR BRUTALITY!IV.
Writing in forms of SLs, fights, banter and threads are super welcome and encouraged. I hardly get to write here - anything is good! DMs will be open. Open to multiverse themes.

" My slaves cheer me, Superman. You offer them freedom, and instead they ask their master to kill you. "
The latest in a millions of year old line of Warzoon, Mongul II possesses all of the same innate abilities as all members of his people, amplified and enhanced by his younger and prime age, superior lineage and centuries of training. These abilities include:
Superhuman Strength: Warzoon, Mongul's bloodline specifically, are feared throughout the cosmos for their near-unrivaled physical strength spawned from a harsh climate of Warworld. He can lift impossible weights, deliver terrifyingly powerful blows capable of shaking entire planets and effortlessly defeat other humanoid species. Even a crew of yellow star-powered Kryptonians will find struggle with him.Superhuman Durability: Mongul is completely invulnerable, more so than even a Kryptonian, and walks off most forms of damage such as planet-level explosions, high-velocity impacts and extreme energy blasts. His skin is so tough to the point of Superman's heat vision often leaving nothing but steam behind, while Wonder Woman damaged her fist from hitting his grandfather in the jawline.Superhuman Stamina: From a species bred for and worshipping the art of war and combat, Mongul is capable of clashing with an opponent for multiple hours or days on end without fatigue. Even whilst critically injured, he's known to keep swinging until fully knocked out.Superhuman Speed: Despite his ridiculous stature, he can move at high speeds and overwhelm an opponent before they can react. This also applies to his reflexes and agility, enhanced to the point of being able to tag Kryptonians and speedsters. This is often an unspoken advantage of his when opponents underestimate his reaction time.Flight: He is able to float above the ground despite his massive size, able to take the battle to the sky and outer space if necessary. He can move at the speed of sound if he so wishes, though he usually uses this ability to assert his dominance.Heat Vision: For reasons unknown, he is able to focus energy into his eyes and unleash it outward similar to a Kryptonian or Daxamite. Much like the two races, the temperatures can rival the surface of a star if he wants it to.Accelerated Healing: In the unlikely event of him receiving critical damage in any form, he can regenerate and recover at an advanced speed. However there are limits to this, as his father never regenerated his lost eye that was lost to Green Lantern Bzzd. As seen with Chaytil Ironbled, he also could not recover his eye nor half of his lost right arm and both lower legs.